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[SourceMod] Smart Regeneration

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:27 pm
by Q_Q
Hi guys.
I'm new to the forums, but I've already made stuff, you might like.

Personally, I like health regeneration in games. Its not fun to count every hit point.
BUT usually, regeneration is quite simple. It just heals you up completely.
This is not very realistic or balanced.

I've introduced "new" regeneration system.
It ONLY regenerates health by portions.
For example:
If you got 100hp but got hit by 1 or 10 damage, you'll quickly regain health.
But if you hit hard, like 30hp left, you'll only regenerate up to 50hp.
Right now its:
0 > 25 > 50 > 75 > 100
If you're in between, you'll regenerate to higher value.
This is pretty good, so if you got some flesh wound, just wait and replenish your health.
But if you're hit hard, you still need medical assistance from team mate or health pack.


P.S. Source code inside
P.P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:38 pm
by fug4life
It saounds good, though I wouldn't want every server to run like this, I like choice and the original gameplay mechanics of healing in oc.

Anyhow good work.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:47 pm
by Shana
I kinda like the idea, its good it doesnt always regenerate full health, otherwise people would only rely on the health regenerate instead of other players healing them.

Dont know if im going to use it though.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:49 pm
by Q_Q
Well, it always could be optional. Like CVAR.

Personally, I want it so I've coded a plugin.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:07 pm
by Keychain
Medkits > Regeneration

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:35 pm
by Q_Q
Keychain wrote:Medkits > Regeneration
Thats why its "smart".
It only heals a bit. D:

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:39 pm
by destiny
So let me get this straight for myself.
It healls you but if your damaged alot it wont completly heall so the medkits will still have a main function in healing.
Sounds smart.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:31 am
by Keychain
Please add a "Meh" or a neutral option to this poll.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:18 am
by JerC
Keychain wrote:Please add a "Meh" or a neutral option to this poll.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:35 am
by Q_Q
I can't.
Admin should do that.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:44 am
by laserrobotics
This sounds neat, but maybe there should be levels every 10 points instead of 25. Healing all the way up from 76 to full health is a bit much...

This should also be something that is switchable, i.e. there should be a command to turn it off/on if it is added.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:19 am
by DNsatan
good plugin only thing is it spams the console something shocking if you leave while getting healed is there a way to fix that?
it says
[SM[ Native "GetClientHealth" reported: Client 2 is not game
[SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "smart_regeneration"
[SM] [0] line 34, /home/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/phpIZUS6Sr.sp::Regeneration<>

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:31 pm
by Gary
I like it, this way people can't just stand behind a wall and have full health again but still have a decent amount of health if there is no one to heal you.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:27 pm
by Vasili
Good system, kinda like Far Cry 2s system.

Re: [SourceMod] Smart Regeneration

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:03 am
by Misfire
can someone reupload this?