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Hai there

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:53 pm
by Deathy
Well, I stumbled across old screenshots and links and decided to take a look into the forums. Having most of my past time here in mind, I actually am glad to see, that some people are still around. Especially fug. Hell Yeah!! :dance:

For those, who do remember me: Hey! I am not really playing fps and especially source based games or games at all anymore but I really enjoy thinking about the great time we had with OC 1.23, the 1.3 testing, now. Great times!
And I still have some unfinished oc maps somewhere on my old computer, but source and hammer changed a lot since then. I guess :/

How did you guys do? :o

Re: Hai there

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:45 pm
by Shana
OMG it's you!

Glad to see you're still around, things have changed around here, for the better.

You still have contact to Blues? Tell him i'm sorry for being a dick to him back then, i was out of my mind. I have unbanned him long ago as well.

Re: Hai there

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:48 am
by Deathy
Oh worfox, you're still around as well. Great to see you! :D

Well, I'm not really in contact with him but I guess I could talk to him, when I see him. Wanted to warm up some long ago contacts anyways (eager to see, what everyone else was/is doing).
I suppose the ban reason came up under bad circumstances back then.

And I see, you added and fixed a lot of new content in these years, I was missing on the fun. Actually would be time to hop in-game sometime. D: