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Ranger request

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:13 am
by lwhyl Infiltrator
K. I have a request. I would like the following PLZ! ALSO!!! Specific sound request!!! Normal voice, but with the movement, make it so u can hear all the gear moving about, like the combine's. You know. I am also aware of that there already is one, but im not satisfied by it. So, a model like this plz, and REMEMBER THE SOUND :D ... php?t=3616

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:16 am
by LivingWithGames
We already have a Ranger,mate.

If you're not satisfied with it,then we can't help you.

It is been created by Gary,so i can say,this model is great even i'm not a fan of MW2.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:20 am
by Gary
You basically want it to use combine sounds when using the model? Some player models already do this, it's a simple edit.

Create a file "MODEL-NAME-HERE.txt"

And put this in it:

Code: Select all

	//Use this option to choose a base script to use instead.
	"usefile"	"none"

	//base model rig to use. Use either Male_01 or Female_01 for best results.
	"basemodel"	"Male_01"

	//Voice Sound 0=none, 1=male, 2=female, 3=combine
	"voice"		"1"

	//Footstep Sound 1=shoe, 2=combine boots
	"footsteps"	"2"

	//Gibs, 1 = generic human, 2 = generic alien, 3 = human rebel ragdoll gibs, 4 = Ragdoll only
	"Gibs"		"4"

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:27 am
by LivingWithGames
Gary wrote:You basically want it to use combine sounds when using the model? Some player models already do this, it's a simple edit.

Create a file "MODEL-NAME-HERE.txt"

And put this in it:

Code: Select all

	//Use this option to choose a base script to use instead.
	"usefile"	"none"

	//base model rig to use. Use either Male_01 or Female_01 for best results.
	"basemodel"	"Male_01"

	//Voice Sound 0=none, 1=male, 2=female, 3=combine
	"voice"		"1"

	//Footstep Sound 1=shoe, 2=combine boots
	"footsteps"	"2"

	//Gibs, 1 = generic human, 2 = generic alien, 3 = human rebel ragdoll gibs, 4 = Ragdoll only
	"Gibs"		"4"
Never know that,but that does the job.

BTW,I'm asking this for mim: Gary,this .txt must be in what folder in the OC folder?The Scripts one?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:39 am
by lwhyl Infiltrator
Comment removed

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:40 am
by lwhyl Infiltrator
Gary wrote:You basically want it to use combine sounds when using the model? Some player models already do this, it's a simple edit.

Create a file "MODEL-NAME-HERE.txt"

And put this in it:

Code: Select all

	//Use this option to choose a base script to use instead.
	"usefile"	"none"

	//base model rig to use. Use either Male_01 or Female_01 for best results.
	"basemodel"	"Male_01"

	//Voice Sound 0=none, 1=male, 2=female, 3=combine
	"voice"		"1"

	//Footstep Sound 1=shoe, 2=combine boots
	"footsteps"	"2"

	//Gibs, 1 = generic human, 2 = generic alien, 3 = human rebel ragdoll gibs, 4 = Ragdoll only
	"Gibs"		"4"

Actually, not really. I just love that camo...and the orange visor. Its just sick.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:52 am
by lwhyl Infiltrator
ok...i just tried what u said gary to use the thing to make it use combine sounds with THE HEAVY COMBINE MODEL and it stayed the same. What do i do?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:00 am
by lwhyl Infiltrator
Ok, the problem is that the heavy combine soldier didnt come with a txt. file, only vtf, phy and so on, and i cant make a txt file the same name without copying over something. :/ Can any1 help?
P.S I got the sounds down pat! Well, the txt files anyway :D

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:09 am
by Gary
BiElGaMe wrote: BTW,I'm asking this for mim: Gary,this .txt must be in what folder in the OC folder?The Scripts one?

"root" is your OC folder.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:34 am
by lwhyl Infiltrator
i know i did it in the right folder, i did it with two other models and it worked fine. If you dont believe me, try it yourself with the heavy combine soldier model, and try to get the sounds combine voice and combine boots...

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:48 am
by MaestraFĂ©nix
The Heavy Combine Soldier, and all the older models of my pack will be update coming soon. Take patience.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:40 am
by lwhyl Infiltrator
Somethings not right. I set the voice to 3, in other words combine, and its still male 1. WTF!? I have the walking sounds good but its just the! P.S This is 4 the europee normal model