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Wierd SteamID User Ticket issue

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:47 am
by habicore5150
might have been posted in the Servers section, but i could be wrong

since yesterday, i was trying to jump into any OC server (not counting the local server that i can start on my own), it gave me a message saying that i have an Invalid SteamID User Ticket or something like that

yes, i poked around here trying to find someone with that same issue as me. the solution to that should have simply been, close out steam, delete the clientregistry.blob file, and restart steam and try jumping into another server


tried uninstalling everything related to OC (except some models and a couple of weapon sounds), and reinstalling the whole game again


here's the pretty freaky thing
i can hop in HL2:DM servers just fine and not get that message once
and as i said earlier, i can start up my own server in OC, jump into that, and still not get an error message
it's only doing that to me when i jump into a server that somebody else is hosting, say for example "Latitude" or something (not promoting this btw)

any other ideas as to what could be causing me to suddenly drop out of a server the instant i finish connecting?

Re: Wierd SteamID User Ticket issue

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:33 am
by xenoaisam
i got the issue before...

To Solve:

Delete all app/file/folder in steam EXCEPT:
+Steamapps Folder
+[Optional to delete] Userdata folder (which contain your screenshot)

Re: Wierd SteamID User Ticket issue

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:58 pm
by Ark
I know another guy who has been getting the Invalid Steam ID error lately as well, can't say if he managed to fix it or not because I don't really know.

Re: Wierd SteamID User Ticket issue

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:50 pm
by habicore5150
well xeno, that did it
back up and running