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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:23 pm
by HBK
Oh my god this is beautiful!

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:08 am
by DeadlyPoison
HBK wrote:Oh my god this is beautiful!
Damn agreed, I can't do that awesome maps.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:10 pm
by fug4life
Well my pc is out of action, until I get a new cpu fan. I was close to getting this map done, all is on hold I dare not try and map on my g/f's new laptop.
Hammer is a taboo subject. and my old p3 533 with a tnt2 just don't cut the mustard! :)





all that exsists....., for now!

Some more pics here if your interested... ... /my_photos

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:01 am
by Miroku
I can't understand you.


Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:16 am
by fug4life
I'm back....


I haven't actually made any progress although I'm up and running I think/hope...

Edited, 03/04/06

First if your bored then you can watch a short, short clip from in game.
Based on stuff you kind of already know is going to be included.
Yes, The Stalkers...

I'm still working away, I know I keep saying it's nearly finished! At the moment I've reached a tedious stage of trying to reduce the amount of entity data. I'm trying to see what entitys reduce my data if I try instancing them into game with the use of point_template and entity makers! I've found that some of the percentage can be reduced, although In with other cases it increases. so I'm just taking stuff out and putting it back again :roll:

I'm more or less ready to release a beta, so I can get some feed back.
And plus I'll have a ton of questions to people concerning the map and what people's prefrences will be. The Map has all npc's in and the layout is complete although, I'm unsure the actual routes the players will take and in which order. So beta soon, probably next week as I'm partying this weekend!

Some questions for now, And I'll add more later before and after beta release...

Do you think there should be some music in game?

Does spawning npc's that drop out of the air really bother you?
(I have a section at the start where combines and zombies come in waves although they are just spawning at the moment. I can think of a way to cover the combines namely a force field, but the zombies I'm a little stuck for, I was thinking a random teleport. but I wan't some sort of special effect like the old hl1 env_funnel which I can't seem to get to work) anyone?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:54 pm
by fug4life
Still pimping....


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:55 pm
by fug4life

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:38 pm
by Tono-Tako
thank god, keep up the good work

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:56 am
by LinkNEO
Man i want a big ass map. With nothing but combines coming at you and you taking cover and shooting back but the combines keep coming you have to block thier way in and there dorpships.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:27 am
by DaMaN
dorpships eh?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:56 pm
by fug4life
No promises, but my next map I had planned for that sort of thing, I was thinking along the lines of a take the hill senario! where you start at the bottom in the muddy trenches and you battle your way up through the lines of defense! but I was gonna have tons of dropships dropping troops just infront of you all the time! and helicopters dropping those lovely bombs on you! A bit of a ww1 map hl2 style! and have a radio tower at the top or some sort of objective? or maybe even an escort the vip to the evac point?

Why? well becuase my next map I want to do outdoors! and I haven't really used npc's like helicopters, and dropships!
More when I have more to tell.....

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:43 pm
by fug4life
Job done for now, Map is released.
Go play oc_warmachine_v1. now! :D

See ... php?t=1581

for info and download.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:31 pm
by LinkNEO
:D yes! new map.
Thank god.