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NEW MAP!!! requests?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:18 pm
by cannon_fodder_51
Hi im making a map of which the working title is coop_dam but that will be changing soon. I am reasonably new at maping but I can make a pretty decent map non the less. Anyway I was wondering if there were any requests of things I should include in it.
You start on top of a dam looking over a combine base below. So far the objectives I have are that you have to get into the base via the sewers (smashing through a grill in some airboats) and lure an elevator down so that you can get into the base itself. And at some point you will have to get into the hangar to prevent a counter attack. any ideas from you guys?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:51 pm
by Hell-met










Hammer is a tricky tool where you will get better only with practice. Please do not release a bunch connection of square bland boring empty rooms with endlessly respawning enemies.

But if you really know what you're doing , go ahead and best of luck for you :shock:

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:13 am
by cannon_fodder_51
ive already released my first map. All I was saying was that I'm kind of new to mapping compared to some people. Meaning there is still some stuff i need to learn but I can do maps to the same level as many of the official oc maps

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:23 am
by Hell-met
Alright .

Got any pictures , ingame/hammer ? Can't really suggest stuff without screenshots.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:30 am
There's hundreds of video's about hammer on youtube that can help you.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:05 am
by [FTA]c0m4ndo45
never release first map?? lol i did release my first map, oc_theinfectedcourse, and who plays it wud never say it was someone's first map...

Back to the topic,

some tips when mapping (well, if you allredy knew it please dont call me idiot, im not that experient on mapping too.. Just some things i found out)

first, test alot of times, with No-Vrad compilations.. I allmost lost my map because i didnt do that.

2: remember people dont like annoying maps with bunches of npcs spawning over and over, like predator said...

and think twice before using airboats... They dont work on some servers, on others people complain about lag, etc..

and at last, allways keep an eye for lagging points.. Noone likes lag...

I hope i helped somewhat.. If not, im sorry, i cant think of anything else to say right now.