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Prefab Catalog Beta

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:29 pm
by TheOrangeCube
My god it has been too long, I am sorry that I could not send the files, first my computer crashed and then I could not install my adobe cs3 suite, so I got mad and just quit, but I had been on the forums lately and then saw that version 1.35 came out, I knew that there would be more mappers and more prefabs then ever so I had came up with this flash AS2 basic template of a Catalog. I know it does not look like much but if you wait and give me feed back I am sure in a month everybody will be "pleased" with the design. This took most of my holiday weekend so I hope that you like it.

-It is in AS2 so you need to have Flash Player 9.0 to see the template
-I uploaded it on megaupload... I hope that that wont be a problem...


Please I need your feedback but don't be too harsh >.<

-The Orange Cube
Hello, I am here to make a topic about my catalog I have been trying to put together, my goal is to have a self updating flash catalog with an easy download system for prefabs and a easy install for these prefabs. This version that was listed in the quote above is a crude sample of what I wish to accomplish so please help me by giving me suggestions.
Thank you all for helping me.

-The Orange Cube

Re: Prefab Catalog Beta

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:50 pm
by TheOrangeCube
Please just close this thread, after months of watching and waiting I get no response I should have known this wouldn't catch on. If this whole thread could just be deleted it would save me from looking stupid (little late) thanks...