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My (somewhat) gramatically correct rewrite of Quarter life

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:21 pm
by Supahchikin
Quarter Life: Halfway to destruction

Authors Note:
Uncyclopedia (which is a online encyclopedia like Wikipedia) said i was writing a story called Quarter-Life: Halfway to Destruction and i didnt know where it came from but i decided to write it anyway.

Chapter One: What does it mean?
Gordon Freeman was working in his laboratory and was on the verge of a major scientific breakthrough.
His fellow co-worker, who went by the name of Jim asked him: Gordon Freeman ,what are you working on?
Freeman replied: I have discovered a new radioactive isotope but it is so volatile that it doesn’t have a half-life but a quarter-life so we must observe with haste!
But the excitement was short lasted as a Headcrab crawled out of the vent and then jumped on Jims head. Gordon panicked and then rushed to get his crowbar but he forgot that it was at the shop so he had to take a claymore sword from a nearby display case. He stabs the headcrab which fortunately enough for our heroes failed to tear open Jims skull and put its beak inside his brain. Just as Jim came to his senses he noticed that the isotope was missing. On the desk was a cryptic note After reading and decyphering the note Gordon rushed towards the drop pods, Jim followed. Gordon inputted the coordinates, then they both entered their drop pods and were then launched from a gigantic rail cannon…

Chapter Two: They recover the isotope... Yet they don’t…

Gordon and Jim arrived at the location where the alien’s were, the alien warlord told them: I took the isotope and it will cause meltdown of the Dallas nuclear power plant which will destroy all of Dallas.

NO NOT ALL OF DALLAS! Gordon freeman shouted.

If you do not agree to my demands… the alien warlord carried on…

TOO LATE the warlord shouted and he made the isotope hit quarter-life and the room was starting to disintergrate...

Tell me what you think. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:07 pm
by LinkNEO
Thank for writing another one.