Custom model replacement

Need Help? The Day isnt going so well on the Mapping front?
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Custom model replacement

Post by Maxc »

Is it possible to replace default models for an npc_entity with custom ones, without replacing anything?

Then you would be able to use different looking models with the same entity AI in one and the same map.
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Post by Vasili »


Place the NPC in Hammer editor, then right click on it in the Graph XYZ space, then click properties.

Then go down to Custom Model I think, and select the model you want and press OK, then go out and press apply, and the NPC should have a custom model viasable in the camera view.

However, the model you choose must have the same animations as the NPC AI, or else you will end up with it walking around Ragdoll style.

This should actually be in the mapping forums too, as this isn't a request, it's just somebody asking for help on how to do something.
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