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Colour, Plantlight, rendermodes & cubemaps.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:02 am
by fug4life

After building cubemaps I have a cylinder piece of glass (func_detail)that is reacting to the green( I change render mode, color) plant light (npc) after building cubemaps.

Any ideas which might be the real problem?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:00 am
by skidz
Could make a env_cubemap somewhat offset from the glass and assign the faces to it.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:11 am
by Hell-met
Oooh, Breens own little morgue.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:44 am
by DaMaN
skidz wrote:Could make a env_cubemap somewhat offset from the glass and assign the faces to it.
That's what I was going to suggest... if that doesn't work I'm not sure what else you could do...

Possibly try re-making the brush? Sometimes they can get gibbled.

Check compile log? etc.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:33 pm
by fug4life
Thnx for help guys, assigning a face din't really help although I know it normally fixes alot of these related issues, at the moment I've deleted a few cubemaps here and there, seems to have solved it. now to strategically place one or two cubemaps back in!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:19 pm
by fug4life

After I dont know how many compiles and changes, I've decided that my metal textures are reflecting? Or I really am awful at placing cunemaps,
I'm compiling this map in 1.3 but I'm not sure if my mapping crapness to blame here.


The pic is in a vis leaf under the level, where I did have water but on this particular compile I removed the water, hence why it is so dark. but what is strange is that the red and blue and greens are from upstairs bright decals and lights that are well reflecting downstairs aswell.

Do you think this article is along the lines of fixing this ( particulay the bottom paragraphs), becuase the map really reflects in both ldr and hdr, but worse in hdr ... _Materials

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:02 pm
by Tono-Tako
textures-> blocklight

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:08 am
by fug4life
I feel like alice in wonder land at the moment,... ... ing_Basics ... g_Settings

Are all interesting reads...

Dunno why my pic was there was meant to be another article

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:42 am
by Power-Mad
Turn off the sprites before building cubemaps, you don't even need a map function to do it, give it a name in hammer and ent_fire it.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:08 am
by fug4life
Thnx, I'll give that a try, although I think, I have to do some other things aswell, because I have glowing decals, also one of my other maps is behaving the same, and I think it's cause it's a non hdr skybox, the above map dosent have a sky box.


I think first I'll try for both maps, like you said turning off all sprites and also I think changing the VMT of my bright deacls, also maybe the skybox aswell for one of the maps, then If still trouble, I'll play with the textures vmt's.

But thnx for advice, pointed me in the right direction, I dint really come across this in warmachine but I added the bright decals after and only had one sprite.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:28 pm
by fug4life
Fingers crossed, I think I've solved the riddle of all the troubles I've been having everytime I use a space setting as a 3d_skybox.

The problem was the reflections of anything bright on the skybox texture, i.e a bright blue planet, would follow your view around.

I had long forgotten that it's possible to add an env_cubemap into the skybox!

Fingers crossed.

This will benefit me in two maps :)

I think of all the compiles I wasted trying to figure this one out, It was a lot!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:49 pm
by fug4life
The glass on the left is stadium's and the right is hl2's defualt.


Stadium's vmt:

Code: Select all


	"$basetexture" "maps/stadium/stadiumglass"
	"$surfaceprop" "glass"
	"$additive" "1"
The defualt hl2's vmt:

Code: Select all

	// Original shader: WorldAdditiveTransEnvMapWithMaskedTexture
	"$basetexture" "Glass/glasswindow070c"
	"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
	"$surfaceprop" "glass"
	"%keywords" "c17industrial"
	"$envmapmask" "glass/glasswindow070c_mask"
	"$envmaptint" "[.3 .5 .6]"
	"$additive" "1"
//	"$translucent" 1
Ok, The stadium glass is nice and simple and it really helps out in my 'Constant Battle with Reflections'. And is just what I should of used from the word go. Although it's slightly greener and less colourful than the hl2 one. Is there anything I can do to the hl2's vmt to get rid of the reflections but keep some of the light blue colour?

I just got used to the hl2 one and on long or big brushes the colour stands out better, I just dont want the reflections it gives.

I know it may seem minor given the texturing may still look odd :)

Edit:ops, hope your browser is gear up for a high resolution.

Also the hl2 material, has two vtf's one is the mask? :? ... al_Proxies :coffee:

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:36 am
by skidz
try changing the tint to
.03 .05 .06